What actually encourage women willing to be mistresses? Non-current relationship to economic factors to trigger some women are willing to be stored
While men chose cheating because it lowers the quality of sexual intercourse with a partner today. Women choose cheating because not satisfied with the condition of the current relationship. It was based on the research of University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.
There are a number of other reasons why women end up having an affair or willing to be mistresses.
1. Economic Problems
Couples who can not meet their daily needs because it does not have the appropriate income or lazy still be a trigger rift.
While those who are not married, needs a large and high lifestyle make them finally find a man who can meet their needs.
2. The relationship is no longer warm and intimate
Women who no longer get warmth or affection from their partner so he'll look elsewhere or disosok another man.
Sex is not just sex but the emotional closeness and depth of the relationship.
3. There is no longer a challenge
Be careful, comfortable relationship also can make you tired and woman couple looking for a challenge in other places.
Feeling tired not only occur in men, but also women.
4. No longer appreciated
Women should not be considered only as a sweetener. Women with all his intelligence and can make more advanced partner.
However, if the excess is regarded man as a rival, then the woman will look for another figure more respect themselves and assume the woman existed.
5. Efforts to escape
Women who are less happy using the affair to escape from the relationship.
"Some people are afraid to end the relationship, so they deliberately make mistakes so hated partner," says psychologist Kelly Wallace of ivillage.com.
6. Missed the past
When the relationship is now running a bland, then back fond memories playing at the head of a woman with a previous partner.
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