This School Students Have Twins Most in the World Schools with the highest twin pupils is named De Aston in Lincolnshire, England schools there is truly unique. Registered there are 20 pairs of twins students who attend school here. Because of this exciting event, the possibility of this school will break the school record with twin children in the world. Previously, the school already broke the national record, which is 12 pairs of twins students. So many students are twins, teachers often been confused. "There are at least two pairs of twins pupils in each class i. Pupils twin girls hair ornaments usually distinguish them. If not, I would have been confused made, "said Elizabeth Humphrey, an English teacher at this school. Not only teachers and their classmates were dizziness, twin boys also be difficult because often people misunderstand them. One of them is Charlotte and Laura Wilson 17 years. "Teachers are usually quicker to recognize our differences, but we are not friends.
It looks like we will continue studying in different colleges, "said Charlotte. According to the Guinness record, record the highest twin students who enroll in school in the same school year is 16 pairs. The record was held by Valley Southwoods Freshman High School in Iowa, Maine South High School in Illinois, and Staples High School in Connecticut. All three schools were located in the United States
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